Common knowledge that should be known when keeping pets

Reading Common knowledge that should be known when keeping pets 4 minutes

As pet lovers, what we can do is to share this knowledge with every pet owner, so that they know what pets should eat very carefully in their daily care.

Meat and bone products - Chicken bones are very small and can easily puncture a dog's intestines, causing significant damage, causing vomiting and even endangering overlap (if vomiting is found, everyone must take it seriously). As for fish, when we eat it, we may even get stuck in our throats, let alone dogs. Please remember to feed your dog large chunks of chicken without bones (except for domestic dogs) and prohibit feeding fish or meat.

Candy, cake, and cookies - Easy to trigger hypoglycemia, many candies, cakes, and cookies use artificial sweeteners to enhance sweetness. However, sweeteners can cause a significant increase in insulin concentration in dog blood, leading to significant hypoglycemia (often occurring within 0.5-18 hours after ingestion), causing spasms and coma.

Alcohol - Although few pet owners take the initiative to refill their pets with alcohol, it is still important to be careful of pet ingestion when changing glasses. Dogs and cats have extremely poor ability to metabolize alcohol, and symptoms may appear within 30-60 minutes.
Alcohol not only stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, but also accumulates acidic products from liver metabolism, leading to metabolic acidosis, muscle tremors, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, and other symptoms. Pets often die from respiratory depression.

Chocolate, tea, and coffee - Caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline all belong to the methylxanthine family, and methylxanthine substances are toxic to most animals. However, humans have a high metabolic rate for these substances, while our beloved cats and dogs do not possess this ability.
For a Bomei weighing 3 kilograms, consuming 3.42 grams of Heiqiaoli at once may lead to poisoning; Eating 10 grams of Heiqiaoli at once may cause severe vomiting and spasms; Eating 60 grams at once may lead to death due to tachycardia and muscle rigidity.

Grapes, raisins, raisins - The digestive system of pets has a poor ability to digest candy, and eating candy can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort, leading to diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms. Dogs are very easily attracted by sweetness, while cats may not be easily attracted by sweetness, but don't take chances.
Grapes and raisins can both cause acute renal failure in dogs and cats, with symptoms such as oliguria and vomiting. In severe cases, they can cause necrosis of the proximal renal tubular epithelium, which can be fatal.

Xiawei Yiguo - Dogs should not eat Hawaiian beans or foods containing nuts as they may pose a fatal risk. There are 6 types of raw and roasted Hawaiian beans that can cause poisoning in dogs. Symptoms include muscle tremors, weakness, hind leg paralysis, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and accelerated heartbeat.
Eating chocolate containing nuts can accelerate symptoms and lead to death. Although some nuts are not toxic to dogs, their fat rich properties may lead to diarrhea or vomiting, and in severe cases, they can worsen into pancreatitis.

Prevent excessive consumption of salt and spices - Salt is essential, but it should also not be excessive. Before giving your dog packaged or leftover food, be sure to wash away the salt.
Spices and other ingredients can increase the burden on a dog's kidneys and liver, and can also slow down their sense of smell.

Prevent binge eating and night feeding - During holidays, pets will be fed more meat than usual, especially after their relatives and friends come, they always like to feed them. Cute pets consume too much fat in a short period of time, which ultimately leads to digestive system diseases such as pancreatitis and enteritis. The best way is for humans to control themselves and never be soft hearted, otherwise temporary cravings can cause a lot of pain to pets.
Sometimes I have to add a late night snack at night. But the feeding of pets is different from that of humans, it is best to feed them twice a day. If fed at night, it can lead to indigestion, abdominal enlargement, affecting body shape, and causing obesity.